Saturday, October 5, 2013


Crying tears from my eyes
makes you angry and annoyed
no longer will you see my tears,
from from my eyes they will not fall
I cannot speak of struggles
or of triumphs or of pain
I am not allowed to talk to others
if it means you might feel shame
so with no outlet for my feeling
nothing acceptable to you
tears of blood in midnight wandering
that is all that I can do

comfort asked for is denied
a hug a word a gentle touch
requested is really not so much
but your back stays turned
you want to just ignore it
"turn on the TV if you're crying,
I don't need to hear it"
and tears of blood
in midnight wanderings
fall silently from my skin
so you don't ever have to hear
a cry from me again

"do not tell anyone"
"its not their business"
"no one needs to know"
but it is my life too
not yours alone
and if I can't talk to anyone
and you want to drown out my fears
if my tears annoy you so much
you do not have ears to hear
so tears of blood fall from my skin,
in places you can't see
because you forget that I am here
you do not see me...

Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 to 2013 shift

I have written a blog post/reflection about the 2012 to 2013 change over due to the New Years Holiday.  You can access it here: